Drink Up Baby Shower Game

Your friends are expecting — a whole lot of fun, that is. Get the good times rolling at your next baby shower by incorporating some of these hilarious games. These activities are ideal for large crowds, so go ahead and invite the whole crew!

Draw the Baby

Draw the Baby

Spectators, including the mother-to-be, will giggle uncontrollably throughout Draw the Baby. This simple game requires only a few pieces of paper, markers, and a bunch of friends who don't mind looking a bit silly.

What You'll Need
  • 1. Paper (or paper plates)
  • 2. Colored markers
How to Play

Have party guests sit comfortably in a circle with one piece of paper and marker each. Ask them to remove the marker caps and place the paper on top of their heads. The goal is for each attendee to draw a baby on the paper while it remains on top of their head. This game will have them laughing as they watch other party guests in action. At the end, the mother-to-be will choose which drawing is the best.

Baby Bottle Chugging Game

Before your baby shower guests are full of hors d'oeuvres and cake, let them compete for prizes by chugging baby bottles full of the beverage of your choice. Many hosts and hostesses use beer for this game, but choose a beverage that best suits your group of attendees.

What You'll Need
  • 1. Baby bottles (based on the number of players)
  • 2. Beverage of your choice
  • 3. A cooler or refrigerator to keep the bottles cold
How to Play

Simply fill up the baby bottles and race to see who finishes their baby bottle first. To make the game more difficult (and more entertaining), ask participants to perform simple tasks while chugging the drinks. Of course, no contest is complete without a prize. Winner gets to babysit and loser has to help clean up the party! Just kidding. Kind of.

Daddy's Little Distraction

After the baby shower gifts are opened and your guests have enjoyed some delicious cake, entertain them by playing Daddy's Little Distraction. Guests will cackle as they overwhelm daddy-to-be with questions while he tends to a baby that needs constant attention.

What You'll Need
  • 1. A baby doll
  • 2. Two diapers that fit the doll
  • 3. A baby bottle
  • 4. A sign that says "DIAPER CHANGE"
  • 5. A sign that says "FEEDING TIME"
  • 6. A sign that says "ROCK THE BABY"
  • 7. Paper and pen/pencil for each guest
How to Play

Ask the audience to write down multiple questions about babies. Give the baby doll to the man of the hour, and explain that he is to perform his fatherly duties as the audience drills him with these questions. As the game officiant, set a timer (your mobile phone will do) to sound every 30 seconds, ideally with a loud alarm similar to a crying baby. Assign the instruction signs to a person in the audience who will let the daddy-to-be know which task to perform each time the cell phone alarm sounds. To make the game even more hilarious, blindfold the daddy-to-be while he tries to complete these tasks.

Puzzling Puree

Puzzling Puree

Wondering what babies find appealing about eating pureed pot roast, or chicken and gravy served cold from a jar? Time to find out!

What You'll Need
  • 1. 5-10 varieties of baby food
  • 2. Small spoons for each jar of baby food as well as each guest
  • 3. Paper plates
  • 4. Pen/pencil for each guest
  • 5. Labels or permanent marker to number each jar
How to Play

Purchase several jars of baby food, enough for party guests to have a taste of each. Remove the original label from each jar and replace with a number. Keep track of the number being assigned to each jar on a master answer sheet (this is what you'll use to read off the correct answers). Provide large paper plates numbered around the rim (like a clock) so that guests can put a sample of each puree on their plate and have a taste with their own disposable spoon. Guests will then write down on a piece of paper what they believe to be in each jar. Your party attendees may discover babies have pretty good taste after all, and that veggies really are worth crying over.

Another Way to Play

Have the guests pair up. Blindfold one of the two, and have them feed the other. When the guessing is complete, the cleanup will begin. This one can get messy, but everyone will have a ball!

The Price is Right (Baby Edition)

Even when the price is wrong, this baby shower game is fun. This is a chance to shower your guests with prizes as they go head-to-head in the baby version of The Price is Right.

What You'll Need
  • 1. Everyday baby care items, such as powder, baby wash, toenail clippers, bibs, and wipes
  • 2. A marker
  • 3. Labels (or paper and tape)
  • 4. Paper and pen/pencil for contestants
How to Play

Divide the guests into two teams and have one member from each team approach the game area. Show them one baby item, and ask them to write down the estimated price. Whoever guesses closest to the actual retail price wins a point for their team. If either contestant exceeds the actual retail price, the other person automatically wins the round.

Chop Binky

Chop Binky

Challenge party guests to Chop Binky, the ultimate prenatal test of patience and skill.

What You'll Need
  • 1. Chopsticks (one per participant)
  • 2. Binkies (aka pacifiers) with ring handles
  • 3. Stopwatch
How to Play

Create an activity space that contains five binkies. Line up the contestants and provide them each a chopstick. When each contestant approaches the game area, have them put the chopstick in their mouth and start the stopwatch. Time each contestant as they attempt to accumulate five binkies on their chopstick by running the stick through the handle. The person with the best time wins!

Ready to Pop Culture Trivia

Baby shower guests love trivia, so why not create a trivia game all about family? Ask questions such as "Who was the middle daughter on the Brady Bunch?" and "What's the first name of Beyoncé's eldest daughter?" Guests will stay late to keep this game going.

What You'll Need
  • 1. 30 index cards
How to Play

Create 30 trivia questions about famous celebrity or television families that your guests should know about and write one down per index card. Divide guests into two teams and ask each other the questions until you run out of cards. The team with the most correct answers wins! Feel free to get creative with the theme. Think of all the family-oriented movies, television, and music out there. Don't forget Disney!

They're silly games, yes, but with the right crowd, they can make for a fun celebration full of hilarious moments. After all, Mama has earned the right to sit back and have a laugh or two, hasn't she?

If you're looking for a place to host an upcoming baby shower, Welk Resorts San Diego offers multiple indoor and outdoor venue options to accommodate any size party. Let our friendly staff help with the planning process so that you can focus on showering the mother-to-be.

Click here to learn more.

Drink Up Baby Shower Game

Source: https://welkresorts.com/blog/hilarious-baby-shower-games

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